Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mid-July and Hot-Cha-Cha

It's sweaty and sticky. You know the feeling. You cross your bare legs and when you go to uncross them it feels like you're peeling a layer of skin off. Owie...

But it's hard to complain about heat in July. July is supposed to be hot. And though I thought it would never happen, I have okra. Nothing like this okra, but then the package said "dwarf". It did not say "miniscule", which is what mine is. The plants are three inches tall, the okra pods 1/2" long and only about twice the diameter of a pencil lead. These would be hard to find in a pot of gumbo.

On the other hand I will be picking tomatoes in a couple of days as I have two "grape" type tomatoes which are well on their way to ripeness. The other tomatoes plants are covered in tomatoes, but all are weeks away from ripening.

More zucchini picked, no yellow crookneck squash yet, but hopefully they will start blooming soon. The heat has encouraged them quite a bit. They look very perky at 95 degrees, much more so than yours truly.

The melon vine is crawling all over everything else, despite my efforts to keep it on its own trellis. So far no more than a few pea-sized melons because some critter keeps eating them as quickly as they form. Disappointed!

The burgundy bush beans are loaded with slender beanlets, which in three or four days will become part of our dinner. The Chinese Painted Lady beans have a beautiful red and white flower but so far have not produced a single bean, despite being in a prime sunny spot. Next year they will be intermingled with the scarlet runner beans at the front, where I plant them for the beauty of the vines and the orange-red flowers and don't really expect beans. Scarlet runner beans are coarse and not very good eating anyway. But they are vigorous climbers and make a pretty picture overhead. Here you see how the sacrlet runner vines have climbed right up under the clear roof of the deck.

The joys of July are rampant, and mostly green. The biggest task in the garden is watering, and you begin to see the fruits of your labours. Soon the biggest task will be harvesting. That's the day we all anticipate.

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