Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Biggest Kitchen Table - Simple Home Audit

It seems ironic that we have to spend money in our quest to simplify. But we are trying to get to a point where we are able to care for ourselves and the house even on bad days, and not just on good ones.

When I'm feeling well I have no problem keeping the place tidy, though I admit it is a struggle to dig things I use daily out of cupboards on the floor, or beyond my reach. My ability to get up and down easily disappeared along with my quad muscles. Getting down on hands and knees to get a pan or a baking dish is difficult enough some days that I just can't do it. And the cupboards were all made for the six foot tall man who built them, not the five foot tall woman who has to use them!

So we bought an extra cabinet for kitchen equipment, dishes, appliances and to use as a pantry. It has made my life so much easier. Right now this is what we seem to be doing, spending on items which make it possible to retain our independence, even as we get a little older, a little less able to do for ourselves.

And we continue to back away from personal care and cleaning products which contain ingredients which are toxic to the ecosystem. This past week I bought ingredients to make our own toothpaste and mouthwash. This will be an adventure, and bring us a step or two closer to self-reliance.

But ever so often you need to stop and take stock of what you are doing. Over at down---to---earth Rhonda is leading out in a "Home Audit".

I decided to join in and see how we are doing in our goals of sustainability and simplicity. Follow along, or join up. This kind of exercise always leaves me thinking about what else we can do to lighten our impact on the earth.

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