Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Track Mind

And you know where the track is! In the garden garden garden! About 6:00 pm the light was slanting through the "shade" garden so I grabbed the camera and ran out to take some pictures. These are what will keep me from garden deprivation in the depths of January.

While the morning was cool and overcast, and I was still a bit "flattened" the day and I picked up as the hours ticked by. Out in the Community Garden Ruth's 4 x 4 is looking wonderful, with all kinds of things coming up.

One of the other neighbours who has 4 x 4 in the community garden had soil delivered today. The driver dumped it on a tarp about 100 feet from the garden site, so it all had to be moved by wheelbarrow. What a job! She worked soooo hard, and she filled not only her 4 x 4 but that of another neighbouring couple who is away on holiday. They built her raised bed when they built theirs, and she repaid the favour by filling their 4 x 4 with soil and peat moss. It is all ready for them to plant when they return in a few days.

I helped in a very limited way, but she filled the wading pool I will plant my cantaloupes and squash in, and another large one I haven't decided what to plant with yet. We topped up the containers Zak had filed to the 3/4s mark while he was here.

But I was a bit dismayed this morning to find the "darling" quail had eaten my two watermelon plants right down almost to the ground. And flabbergasted when I realized that two containers planted with tomatoes and green peppers were missing entirely! I have been awakened the last two nights about 2:00 am by "something" messing about in my tiered garden at the back. I actually got up last night, turned on the deck light, got the flashlight and went out to see what the noise was. I thought it might be a cat climbing around in my pots.

I really didn't look closely yesterday, so didn't miss the pot of tomatoes, but there was an empty space on the shelves I didn't really pay attention to at the time. I know the green peppers were there yesterday, because I had to water them. But they were gone today. Pot and all. This is no bird, unless it's one who swoops down and picks up two gallon pots full of soil and plants. No why on earth would anyone steal pots of teeny vegetables? Surely no one who can afford to travel in a 40 foot $300,000 motor home is that impoverished. You have to feel sorry for anyone with that kind of attitude. How can a person like that be happy?

I did get some work done outside today. I cleared out all the greenhouse pots and gardening supplies from the front, relaid the stepping stones into a path leading to the deck door, and filled a long planter box full of soil. I sat it up on the deck, against the mesh. I think I will plant scarlet runner beans there, where they can climb up the mesh. They were so pretty there last year, even though there's not enough sun for them to produce very much in the way of a crop. I also got Tony to help me move the cobalt blue pot to the front of the garden where it will get more sun. I watered everything and hung the hanging basket in the tree in front. So I accomplished quite a bit, despite it being a slow start. And I just saw a Townsend's warbler having a bath in the wee pool Zak and I put in. What a wonderful investment of $7.00 that was!

So that was my one-track day. I hope your day was as productive!

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